Here are some playing tips to help you play Golfzon simulators:
The pace of putts is the trickiest part to master, but once you’ve got it, sinking those putts will be a breeze! The projection screen itself represents the disctamnce of a 20' putt. In other words, if you roll the ball to the screen, it will register as putt of approximately 20' on a relatively flat green. If you roll the ball halfway to the screen, it’ll travel about 10 feet on the virtual green (assuming normal green speed). For a 40' putt you'll have to hit it hard enough to travel roughly twice the distance to the screen. Unfortunately, there's only one way to get the hang of putting pace - trial and error. And don’t forget—add a couple extra feet to your putt to make sure you reach the hole!
Uphill/Downhill Putts:
Keep an eye on those elevation changes! If you see a light blue number beside the putt distance, it’s a downhill putt, and an orange number means it is an uphill putt. The bigger the number, the more you need to adjust your pace. A good rule of thumb: for every foot of slope, add 10 feet to your putt. For example, a 20-foot uphill putt with a 0.8-foot slope becomes a 28-foot putt. Downhill? Subtract that 8 feet for a 12-foot putt. This little adjustment will really help you sink those tricky ones!
Playing the Break:
When you step up to your putt, remember that the stripes on the mat are always lined up exactly with the hole. If you think it's a straight putt, putt it straight down the stripes. If it looks like the putt has a break, you can gage how much break to play based on assessing the grid lines and the travelling lights on the grid. Faster lights on the grid? That means a steeper slope and more break. Keep an eye on it!
On The Tee
Tee Height:
Our simulators automatically tee-up the ball for you - no more chasing balls! You can adjust your tee height by using the software and the system will remember your individual preferences for your next tee shot. Please remember that only the driver is allowed off the tee! All lofted clubs (3W - SW) are to used directly on the fairway, rough and sand mats.
Use the end of your club on the floor console to adjust your aim left or right using the L & R buttons on the floor console. You can also use the touch screen for your aiming by tapping the left & right arrows.
On The Hole
Approach Shots:
When you’re hitting onto the green, a “heat map” shows up in the top right corner of the projection screen. Red means higher areas, and blue is lower. Using this information can really help you plan your approach shot. Aim to land below the hole—it makes putting way easier!
Distance Penalties:
Be sure you’re hitting from the correct mat! If you accidentally take your shot from the fairway mat instead of the rough or sand mats, you’ll be assessed a distance penalty—between 10% and 40%! Always double check which mat to use by looking at the lower right corner of the projection screen, which will tell you where your ball lies.
Floor Console
Tapping the grid button on the left side of the floor console brings up a 3D terrain map of the area in front of you —super helpful for planning your chip shots around the green. Play the bounce & break to chip in!
If you're not using the Golfzon app to track yardages, you don't need to mess with the U and D buttons to change your clubs. But if you'd like to putt from the fairway instead of chip your shot, make sure to switch your club to a putter!
The L & R buttons adjust your aim left and right. Watch the orange aiming line on the top-right view—once it’s lined up, hit it straight down the stripes on the mat!
If the ball doesn’t pop up automatically, press the dimpled button on the right side of the console. If that doesn't work, check the ball hopper and move some balls over to get things rolling again.

Check out our videos for getting started, tips & more on YouTube or download our Playing Guide!